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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Branding

Relationship between Experience Economy Dimensions and Perceived Experiential Value in the Context of Indian Shopping Malls

  • Amrut Sadachar (Auburn University)
  • Ann Marie Fiore (Iowa State University)


Pine and Gilmore (1999) posited that to fully engage the consumer, the consumer environment should offer four experience realms (i.e., educational, entertainment, escapist, and esthetic experiences), which they termed “the 4Es”. Innovative marketing strategies, such as the experience economy 4Es, may create value for mall shoppers. Given the importance of hedonic/experiential value to shopper, the 4Es may lead to a distinct competitive advantage for the mall, thus contributing to its success (Srinivasan & Srivastava, 2010). The present study examined the effect of the 4Es on creating a better shopping experience for Indian consumers, which may help ensure profitability alongside growth.

How to Cite:

Sadachar, A. & Fiore, A. M., (2015) “Relationship between Experience Economy Dimensions and Perceived Experiential Value in the Context of Indian Shopping Malls”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).

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