Positive and Negative Advertising Images as Effective Sustainable Consumer Stimuli
Ha-Brookshire and Bhaduri (2014) found that the apparel business’ distrustful messages affect more consumer’s purchase intention that trustful messages. Dam and Jonge (2015) reported similar findings. Negative messages on labelling more directly influenced consumers’ attitudes toward products than positive messages. Authors concluded that this might be because consumers are willing to spend their money in order to avoid challenging ethical issues. As these two studies are limited to using messages in their studies, the purpose of this study is to examine whether positive (or negative) images were more effective at retaining consumers’ attentions.
How to Cite:
Ko, S. B., Gam, H. J. & An, S. K., (2015) “Positive and Negative Advertising Images as Effective Sustainable Consumer Stimuli”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).
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