Investigating the Role of Social Networking Sites in Creating Consumer Demand for Environmentally Sustainable Apparel: An Exploratory Study
The purpose of this exploratory study is to initiate the investigation as to whether or not SNS may be a potential mechanism for increasing consumer demand for environmentally sustainable apparel. This exploration focuses on identifying consumer characteristics of social networking site users and investigating whether differences in consumer knowledge about environmental issues in apparel production leads to differences in attitudes about and ultimately purchase intentions of ESA. This study also examines whether or not the presence of social influence on SNS may serve as a mechanism to overcome the barriers (knowledge and attitudes) limiting consumer demand for ESA.
How to Cite:
Reiter, L. & Hiller Connell, K. Y., (2015) “Investigating the Role of Social Networking Sites in Creating Consumer Demand for Environmentally Sustainable Apparel: An Exploratory Study”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).
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