Augmented Reality and Motion Capture E-Shopping Usage for Apparel: Webcam Social Shopper
The Webcam Social Shopper is referred to as virtual dressing room software. It features augmented reality (i.e., an interactive method of combining live video with computergenerated data and visualizations) via a webcam and a motion capture system in which hand motions allow the users to virtually navigate backward or forward on-screen to choose clothing (Kincaid, 2009). Augmented Reality and Motion Capture (ARMC) e-shopping focuses on a virtual try-before-buying experience using a webcam (Kincaid, 2009).
Keywords: Augmented reality, motion capture, webcam
How to Cite:
Kang, J. M., (2013) “Augmented Reality and Motion Capture E-Shopping Usage for Apparel: Webcam Social Shopper”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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