Beauty is More Diverse than Ever
The fashion industry and media have influenced women's beauty standards in the past and now, often emphasizing slimness, height, youthfulness, and whiteness. This study focuses on promoting racial and body shape inclusivity. A wearable artwork was created to symbolize diverse beauty, using 3D printing, digital pattern-making, laser cutting, and fabric manipulation. As a silhouette of this wearable artwork, the spoon body shape, the most popular body shape in the United States, was chosen among the five main body shapes: rectangle, triangle, spoon, hourglass, and circle. Through this study, the designer aimed to promote diversity in fashion, challenge conventional standards, and highlight the importance of recognizing and respecting beauty in diverse racial backgrounds and body types.
Keywords: Diversity in Beauty, Racial Equality, Body Shape Equality, 3D Printing
How to Cite:
Liang, J. & An, S., (2025) “Beauty is More Diverse than Ever”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:
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