What Does Gen Z Prioritize in ESG Companies? Exploring Gen Z’s Moral Identity and Firm Attractiveness
In today’s fashion and retail business, prioritizing social responsibility is crucial for sustainable growth and competitiveness (Bhalla, 2023). As environmentally conscious Gen Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, enters the workforce, companies are challenged to align their values with this generation’s moral compass (Gurchiek, 2023). Research suggests that 70% of Gen Z job seekers in the US prioritize employers committed to environmental responsibility, making strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices a key differentiator (Sproull, 2019). That is, strengthening companies’ ESG practices to align with Gen Z’s moral identity can be a strategic advantage in a competitive talent market, facilitating recruitment efforts. Thus, by adopting signaling theory, this study aims to explore how Gen Z’s moral identity and ESG factors influence their perception of the attractiveness of ESG companies in the job selection process.
Keywords: Generation Z job seeker, signaling theory, moral identity, ESG, job attractiveness
How to Cite:
Kim, M., Lee, S. & Chang, H., (2025) “What Does Gen Z Prioritize in ESG Companies? Exploring Gen Z’s Moral Identity and Firm Attractiveness”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.18801
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