From Values to Action: Exploring the Consumption Values of Portable 3D Body Scanning Technology and Their Effect on Usage Intention
Introduction: In the fashion industry, 3D body scanning technology was originally developed to assist designers in the fit and design development process, as well as to aid in garment production (Daanen & Psikuta, 2018). However, recent technological advancements have also enabled consumers to access this technology conveniently on their smartphones, enabling them to scan their body shapes and measurements, as well as virtually trying on different clothing items (Ruggtek, 2022). Specifically, the portable 3D body scanning technology can enrich consumers’ online shopping experiences by providing them a diverse range of functionalities, such as body measurement accuracy, compared to the past. Despite its associated benefits, consumers’ adoption of portable 3D body scanning technology remains low. The reason is that many consumers lack accurate information about the functionality, availability, and benefits of this technology and still perceive it as an expensive and complex technology to use (Karjaluoto et al., 2022).
Keywords: consumption value, consumer shopping, customization, technology in retailing
How to Cite:
Kim, M. & Chang, H., (2025) “From Values to Action: Exploring the Consumption Values of Portable 3D Body Scanning Technology and Their Effect on Usage Intention”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:
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