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Consumer Behavior

Investigating Blind Consumer Clothing and Identity: A Netnographic Analysis

  • Md Nazmul Haque (Louisiana State University)
  • Casey R. Stannard (Louisiana State University)


This study aims to discover how blind consumer clothing purchase intention and post-purchase management of clothing reflected their identity using social identity theory. A netnographic technique was utilized to investigate YouTube (YT) videos about the involvement of the blind in clothing-related activities, including shopping and wardrobe management.  Study findings indicated that blind people largely rely on the sense of touch to compensate for their lack of vision. In addition, extensive use of memory and inherent talent to recall clothing based on the sense of touch. In addition, they saw the clothing through the eyes of others. Overall, research systematically explains the formation of their social and personal identity based on blind individuals ' clothing related activities and unique characteristics. 

Keywords: Blindness, Memory, Visual Impairment, Touch, Identity

How to Cite:

Haque, M. & Stannard, C. R., (2025) “Investigating Blind Consumer Clothing and Identity: A Netnographic Analysis”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:

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