Eye-Tracking Fashion: Assessing the Influence of Consumer Traits on Visual Attention on Fashion Advertisements
This study analyzed how consumers of different genders, ethnicities, fashion interests, and multicultural experiences vary in their visual attention and self-reported evaluations of fashion advertisements. A total of 120 college students in the United States were recruited to participate in the research. The study employed an experiment (using Tobii Pro Nano as an eye-tracking technology) and a follow-up survey to assess participants’ visual attention and responses. Ten fashion advertisements, five each from Calvin Klein and H&M, served as the stimuli. Data analysis was conducted using Tobii Pro Lab and SPSS. The findings showed viewing patterns across different participant groups. These insights suggest that future advertisers could enhance the effectiveness of their campaigns by carefully selecting representative fashion models and incorporating prominent brand logos. Theoretically, this research broadens the application of eye-tracking technology in fashion studies and provides a foundation for future exploration in this field.
Keywords: Eye-Tracking, Visual Attention, Fashion Advertisements, Consumer
How to Cite:
Liang, Y., Lee, S. & Kiper, E. R., (2025) “Eye-Tracking Fashion: Assessing the Influence of Consumer Traits on Visual Attention on Fashion Advertisements”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.18729
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