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Creative Design: Professional

Parametric Harmony

  • Chanjuan Chen (University of North Texas)
  • Leonid Krykhtin


Parametric design methods enable designers to generate countless designs with just a few adjustments to existing models. This principle aligns with modular design, where detachable components allow for infinite design combinations. For this design research, the fashion designer collaborated with an architect to explore the potential of 3D digital technology to produce fitted and sculptural modular design using parametric design methods and 3D printing. Inspired by organic lines and forms found in nature, this design explores how digital technology is changing our relationship with nature. By simulating complex patterns observed in nature to fit the human body through both 3D printed modules and 2D digitally printed fabric, the dress creates a strong visual impact from all angles, featuring curves and sculptural shapes made possible through parametric modeling. This design combines elements of fashion and architecture, nature and technology, parametric design and modular design, suggesting a harmonious and collaborative future.

Keywords: parametric design, modular design, 3D printing, architecture

How to Cite:

Chen, C. & Krykhtin, L., (2025) “Parametric Harmony”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:

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