Conspicuous or Inconspicuous Consumption? Consumer’s Goal-Framing Perspective on Purchase Intentions of Fashion-Branded NFTs in the Virtual World
Fashion-branded NFTs have captured the public’s intrigue and transformed the fashion industry by providing new technological possibilities to engage consumers in virtual communities. However, there is limited knowledge about consumers' motivational factors in influencing their purchase intentions. Guided by self-determination theory, the goal-framing perspective on intrinsic and extrinsic goals, and the theory of conspicuous and inconspicuous consumption, this study examines (a) the role of various motivational factors in explaining consumers’ psychological mechanisms that drive their purchase intentions of fashion-branded NFTs and (b) the distinction between conspicuous and inconspicuous purchases of fashion-branded NFTs. An online survey was conducted, and a total of 341 responses were used in the final analysis by PLS-SEM. The study results confirm the important role of extrinsic goals and conspicuous consumption in fashion-branded NFTs purchasing intention. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of fashion-branded NFT consumer behavior and offers practical implications for NFT branding in virtual.
Keywords: conspicuous or inconspicuous consumption, fashion-brand NFT, intrinsic and extrinsic goal, purchase intention, self-determination theory
How to Cite:
Sun, X. & Zhao, L., (2025) “Conspicuous or Inconspicuous Consumption? Consumer’s Goal-Framing Perspective on Purchase Intentions of Fashion-Branded NFTs in the Virtual World ”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:
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