“Can’t Wait To See You on Our New Home:” Comparing Adaptive Posts on the Zappos Adaptive and the Combined Zappos Facebook Pages
From 2019 to mid-December 2022, Zappos used a dedicated Facebook page to market adaptive products. After that time, the page was no longer maintained, and adaptive posts were to be merged into general Zappos Facebook feed. This content analysis compared the characteristics of the last year of posts and comments on the Zappos Adaptive Facebook page to the first year of adaptive content on the combined Zappos Facebook page post-merger. The tactic of combining the two pages seems to run contrary to principles of developing and retaining customer loyalty through social media, especially with specialized markets; the findings of the study support this contention. Posts featuring adaptive themes were quite rare on the merged page, and user engagement with adaptive posts declined markedly. Firms with general and specialized target markets may well need to strategize how best to cultivate those two groups as separate entities, time and resources permitting.
Keywords: social media, content analysis, people with disabilities, engagement
How to Cite:
Jablon-Roberts, S. & McCracken, A., (2025) ““Can’t Wait To See You on Our New Home:” Comparing Adaptive Posts on the Zappos Adaptive and the Combined Zappos Facebook Pages”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.18550
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