Circular Design for Cotton in a Digital Age
The apparel industry is a complex system involving materials, people, and processes impacting our environment differently in each phase of the system. The inspiration for this project was to explore sustainability through experiential learning, encompassing consideration for sustainabilty in all phases of the garment life cycle. It incorporated design research, digital tools, zero-waste patternmaking, and cotton fiber education to help students better understand each of these parts. Learning objectives included research to understand the complexity of the textile industry, learn about cotton textile goods as a natural fiber with circular deisgn benefits, and develop skill using Clo 3d and digital fabric libraries to design with zero-waste methods. The final learning objective was the applied experience of analyzing decomposition of cotton textiles after a 5.5-month burial experiment. The project reinforced the value of hands-on experinces that make significant learning impact.
Keywords: Zero-waste, Cotton, Decomposition, Circular Design
How to Cite:
Riewe Stevenson, K., Fladung, D. J. & Hughes, J., (2025) “Circular Design for Cotton in a Digital Age”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi:
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