Experiential Learning in an Accelerated Classroom: Experiments and Field Trips and Competitions, Oh My!
New course development can be challenging, especially when considering the demands of teaching during an accelerated period, such as short, summer sessions. In partnership with funding from Cotton Incorporated's Cotton in the Curriculum Program, students in the developed course were provided the opportunity to conduct a textile testing experiment of their own design within the confines of the university's lab capabilities. The instructor provided students with the tools and training necessary to perform their research projects in one of three testing settings: fabric testing, manikin testing, or wear testing. Students participated in the following course components: 1) design, execution, and analysis of a research experiment, 2) experiential travel to Cotton Incorporated and other textile industry headquarters, and 3) dissemination of research findings through a research presentation competition. Through these activities, students used textile curriculum knowledge of cotton fibers, fabric construction, and performance finishes to conduct and communicate product analyses.
Keywords: Lab, Textile Testing, Field Trip, Competition, Accelerated
How to Cite:
McQuerry, M., (2025) “Experiential Learning in an Accelerated Classroom: Experiments and Field Trips and Competitions, Oh My! ”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.18477
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