Millennial Purchase Intentions for USA Made Apparel
- Jessica Padilla (California State Polytechnic University- Pomona)
- Rialyn Espinosa (California State Polytechnic University- Pomona)
- Sara Biernesser-Kuhn (California State Polytechnic University- Pomona)
- Bryan Clark (California State Polytechnic University- Pomona)
- Chitra Srivastava Dabas (California State Polytechnic University- Pomona)
The objective of this paper is to examine the Millennials awareness and purchase intentions towards made in the USA apparel products. A structured questionnaire was developed to assess knowledge of awareness, empathy, consumer involvement, and perceived price. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model. The majority of the participants were college students representing the millennial population of US. All hypotheses were empirically supported. Results indicate that Millennials choose to purchase goods connected to a prosocial cause, in this case purchasing apparel produced in the United States.
How to Cite:
Padilla, J., Espinosa, R., Biernesser-Kuhn, S., Clark, B. & Dabas, C. S., (2017) “Millennial Purchase Intentions for USA Made Apparel”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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