Chemical protective clothing comfort study: thermal insulation and evaporative resistance from fabric to garment
The relationship between the Rct and Ret of textile material used in CPC and that obtained from CPC garment was investigated. It was found that the Rct and Ret of CPC fabric are reliable predictor for the Rct and Ret of CPC garments respectively. Air gap contributes significantly to the increase of the Rct of CPC garments and fabrics. Heat dissipation by water vapor transfer through CPC is a complex process and different from other kinds of clothing due to its low permeability or impermeability. Further studies on the influential factors of Ret of CPC garments are needed.
How to Cite:
Wang, L., Yang, J., Li, R., Xiang, C. & Song, G., (2017) “Chemical protective clothing comfort study: thermal insulation and evaporative resistance from fabric to garment”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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