How to Be Responsible in Clothing Consumption? An Analysis of Available Resources on Sustainable Apparel Consumption Practices
The purpose of this research was to critically examine resources available for consumers interested in greening their clothing consumption practices—from acquisition to care and disposal. To address the purpose of the study, existing sustainable apparel consumption resources, or guides, were identified and analyzed to determine their:(1) comprehensiveness across the stages of an apparel life cycle; (2) types of knowledge provided – declarative and procedural; (3) credibility of information; and (4) accessibility; and (5) readability. A comprehensive search resulted in 74 sustainable apparel consumption guides, out of which, eleven most comprehensive guides were selected for further analysis. The research results indicate that existing sustainable apparel consumption guides are not comprehensive, not supported by science-based facts, and/or lack clear recommendations for consumers. The fragmented and inconsistent nature of available information on how to practice sustainable apparel consumption poses a challenge to consumers seeking to make informed decisions.
Keywords: responsible clothing consumption, sustainable consumption, guide, resource
How to Cite:
Karpova, E. E. & Nasibli, N., (2024) “How to Be Responsible in Clothing Consumption? An Analysis of Available Resources on Sustainable Apparel Consumption Practices”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:
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