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Creative Design: Undergraduate

Coloured: A Well Deserved and Long-Awaited Seat at the Table

  • Lexi Stumpf (Iowa State University)
  • Rachel Eike orcid logo (Iowa State University)
  • Sunhyung Cho (Iowa State University)


As a result of the global Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement that took place in summer 2020, many people of color were forced to look introspectively and bring attention to what their identity looks like to them and how it is reflected in today's society. For Black and mixed-race womxn, the society in which they live can be very oppressive as they are often shown in a misrepresented light in the media. Therefore, Coloured was developed to give vibrant life and meaning to an outdated and offensive term that was meant to oppress. It is Coloured's overall mission to rewrite the narrative of how womxn of color are portrayed and represented in the media and society. Coloured was developed to give these womxn an appropriate solution and updated sense of representation by offering a fashion look specifically developed to flatter natural curves and various skin tones. Coloured strives to be inclusive and celebratory. Making clothes that celebrate natural bodies and womxn with all ranges of backgrounds, sizes, and skin tones. Instead of feeling the need to water themselves down in predominantly white settings, this ensemble empowers womxn who wear it to go forth and claim their well-deserved and long-awaited seat at the table. 

Keywords: Design activism, womxn, body inclusivity

How to Cite:

Stumpf, L., Eike, R. & Cho, S., (2022) “Coloured: A Well Deserved and Long-Awaited Seat at the Table”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:

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