The Azki Kit for Dark Viz Ultimate Frisbee Male Athletes With Reduced Visual Fields
The Azki Kit was designed for elite male athletes with visual impairment competing in Dark Viz ultimate frisbee. Dark Viz is a future-thinking sport created for adaptive athletes and is an offshoot of ultimate frisbee. It is played in the evening to optimize cool temperatures and lighting conditions. The Azki Kit is designed for athletes with a visual field limited to less than 20 degrees in radius. The kit focuses on visibility via LED illumination, mobility, and thermoregulation to allow athletes with reduced visual fields to compete at their highest potential.
Keywords: reduced visual field, ultimate frisbee, functional apparel, LED lighting
How to Cite:
Lorenzo, G., (2022) “The Azki Kit for Dark Viz Ultimate Frisbee Male Athletes With Reduced Visual Fields”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi: