The Chrysalis Shroud for Transgender
To educatepeople about the psychological and social sequela experienced by TGD youth andbring to light both the dangers of suicide and the need for resiliencies, wehave created a special life-promoting garment in the form of a chrysalis shroud. Our provocative chrysalis shroud was inspired by historicalKorean death clothing and culture. The life-promoting garment was enhanced to create a metaphorical cocoon, one of healing andwell-being. Our medicinally functional garment was made from 100% natural andenvironmentally friendly materials and contains multiple metaphors anddeconstructed messages of love and support. The authors, both LGBTQ and TGD allies, wantedto promote resilience and bring awareness to the emotional anguish and toofrequent suicide that occurs in this stigmatized, marginalized, and stressedpopulation.
Keywords: Trans, Gender Divers, Mental health, resilience, suicide
How to Cite:
Hahn, K. H. & Collier, A., (2022) “The Chrysalis Shroud for Transgender”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:
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