The Uses and Gratifications Model of Voice Shopping
This research investigated the voice shopping phenomenon, specifically by examining a model that delineates four-gratification dimensions (i.e., life efficiency, entertainment, social presence, affordance), one mediating variable (i.e., satisfaction), and one dependent variable (i.e., purchase intention). Based on the uses and gratifications theory, the research conducted a survey method by recruiting participants from Pollfish. A total of 166 responses was collected. Partial Least Squares (PLS) modeling was used for data analysis. The measurement model was tested by assessing Cronbach’s alpha, AVE, CR, discriminant validity, and the results were all satisfactory. The evaluation of structural model was tested by estimating the effect sizes (f2), predictive relevance (q2), R2 (satisfaction = .533, purchase =.315), goodness of fit (srmr = .079). The study results revealed that H1, H2, H5, and H6a, H6b were supported. The research finding indicates the importance of incorporating utilitarian and hedonic gratification in using voice assistants.
Keywords: Voice Assistant, Voice Shopping, Life Efficiency, Entertainment, Social Presence, Affordance
How to Cite:
Huh, J. & Kim, H., (2022) “The Uses and Gratifications Model of Voice Shopping”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:
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