Fashion Industry Concepts and Skills in Secondary Education
For this pilot study, we measured the extent of coverage for five subject areas by high school Family and Consumer Sciences teachers in the fashion classroom. We also examined whether extent of subject coverage varied with course pathway affiliation or was related to teacher 1) age, 2) length of time teaching high school fashion courses, or 3) fashion industry experience. Thirty four high school teachers of fashion courses from three Midwestern states responded to an electronic questionnaire. For the sample as a whole, the subject area that was covered to the greatest extent was apparel and other textile product construction. We found no difference in extent of subject coverage between teachers of pathway affiliated and unaffiliated courses. However, as teacher fashion industry experience increased, coverage for the topics of fashion design or illustration and fashion merchandising or general apparel-related topics became more extensive.
Keywords: fashion industry experience, fashion subjects, family and consumer sciences teachers, secondary education
How to Cite:
Cosbey, S. & Montgomery, B., (2020) “Fashion Industry Concepts and Skills in Secondary Education”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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