
Iowa's Changing Face

  • Alicia Ingiuez (Iowa State University)
  • Amanda Morales (Iowa State University)


Currently the State of Iowa is experiencing a shortage of workers. In order to meet the demand from employers statewide, the governor of Iowa, Tom Vilsack, has issued an open invitation to immigrants and laborers throughout the United States. Additionally, firms such as Iowa Beef Producers have been actively recruiting workers at home and abroad to their plants in Iowa. At the same time, there has been a significant public outcry concerning the possible increase in the population of Iowa. This presentation will facilitate a discussion on the impact of immigrants and newcomers to the state of Iowa. Topics such as community adaptation, concerns, race relations, and the benefits newcomers will bring to the state will be addressed. We will attempt to dispel myths and break stereotypes. If Iowa is to prosper in the new economy, Iowans must find a way to adapt to this ongoing demographic change.



Published on
02 Mar 2001
Peer Reviewed