Is Anyone Listening? Starting a Conversation About African American Males’ Success in Higher Education
- Benajmin Dralle (Iowa State University)
- Emily Leaverton (Iowa State University)
- Nayely Hurtado (Iowa State University)
- Buena Lisa Saenthavy (Iowa State University)
Research from across the United States indicates that African American males face unique personal, academic, and environmental challenges while striving to attain academic success in higher education. The purpose of this presentation is to evaluate and provide recommendations to improve the current state of African American male academic success at Iowa State, which is defined and assessed through retention and graduation rates. A review of current literature on the topic has illuminated issues faced by African American males at various higher education institutions. Our discussion will highlight the specific barriers to academic success that African American males face at Iowa State using student demographics and responses. Practical solutions will be offered to increase African American male academic success at Iowa State University.
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