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One Dance: How Women of Color Find Strength and Guidance

  • Carmen Jones (Iowa State University)


In this session we will discuss the importance of redefining awareness for women of color and their experiences with health identity. The questions we will address include: how does a woman of color (WOC) increase her awareness and find strength and guidance while defining her health identity? And how does a woman of color understand the external factors (i.e. social media) that influence her health identity? For this session health identity will be defined as a person’s self-conception of their health in association with actions that influence how health behaviors are implemented. Health identity offers an alternative way of interpreting how individuals and communities engage with their health. Some suggest health status improves when identity is better understood. The purpose of this study was to trace the intersecting health identities of WOC in order to understand how those identities influence their personal interactions with self and others as well as their environment (academics, career and service). Participants will have an opportunity to define their own health identity as well as engage researchers in discussions regarding their health status.


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