Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Grazing Demonstrations in Western Iowa

Authors: Mark S. Honeyman (Iowa State University) , Chris Beedle (Iowa State University) , Dallas Maxwell (Iowa State University) , Pete Lammers (University of Wisconsin–Plateville)

  • Grazing Demonstrations in Western Iowa

    Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

    Grazing Demonstrations in Western Iowa

    Authors: , , ,


Consumer interest in grass-fed beef is high,but adoption by farmers in the northern United States, including Iowa, has been limited. High-marbling genetics and intense pasture management are critical for successful grass-fed programs. It is hypothesized that grass-fed cattle will consistently produce high-value carcasses if excellent pasture management is combined with high-marbling genetics.

How to Cite:

Honeyman, M. S., Beedle, C., Maxwell, D. & Lammers, P., (2016) “Grazing Demonstrations in Western Iowa”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2015(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2016
Peer Reviewed