Horticulture Research Station

Evaluation of Fungicide Efficacy on Creeping Bentgrass

Authors: Mark L. Gleason (Iowa State University) , Steven Johnson (Iowa State University) , Jean C. Batzer (Iowa State University)

  • Evaluation of Fungicide Efficacy on Creeping Bentgrass

    Horticulture Research Station

    Evaluation of Fungicide Efficacy on Creeping Bentgrass

    Authors: , ,


Ten fungicide treatments were evaluated during 2011 for control of dollar spot and brown spot in green height creeping bentgrass at two locations: the ISU Horticulture Research Station, Ames, Iowa, and a practice green at ISU’s Veenker Golf Course in Ames.

Keywords: Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Turfgrass, RFR A1106

How to Cite:

Gleason, M. L., Johnson, S. & Batzer, J. C., (2012) “Evaluation of Fungicide Efficacy on Creeping Bentgrass”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2011(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2012
Peer Reviewed