Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm

Management of Late-Season Bean Leaf Beetles in Iowa Soybean

Authors: Kenneth T. Pecinovsky (Iowa State University) , Marlin E. Rice (Iowa State University)

  • Management of Late-Season Bean Leaf Beetles in Iowa Soybean

    Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm

    Management of Late-Season Bean Leaf Beetles in Iowa Soybean

    Authors: ,


The bean leaf beetle can be a serious pest of soybeans. There are three populations of beetles that feed on soybean plants throughout the growing season—the overwintered population that occurs at plant emergence, the first generation that occurs during late June and July, and the second generation that occurs during August and September. The second generation can cause significant damage to soybean pods. In central Iowa, this insect reached historically high numbers during the summer of 2000. Populations during 2001 were slightly smaller but still sufficiently large to cause economic damage. Recently, it was found that this insect also transmits bean pod mottle virus, a yield-reducing plant pathogen.

Keywords: Entomology

How to Cite:

Pecinovsky, K. T. & Rice, M. E., (2002) “Management of Late-Season Bean Leaf Beetles in Iowa Soybean”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2001(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2002
Peer Reviewed