Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Stark Northern Prize—A Hardy Persian Walnut

Author: Paul A. Domoto (Iowa State University)

  • Stark Northern Prize—A Hardy Persian Walnut

    Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

    Stark Northern Prize—A Hardy Persian Walnut



Stark Brothers Nursery, Louisiana, Missouri, has released for sale a new walnut cultivar named Stark Northern Prize™. This tree is a cold-resistant Persian (Carpathian) walnut, Juglans regia. It was selected from a population of open-pollinated seedlings planted at the Iowa State University Horticulture Station, Ames, Iowa, in 1971 and was evaluated as ISU71-E18. In 2002, the U.S. plant patent was received for the walnut tree named Domoto. In 2005, pairs of ISU Domoto, aka Stark Northern Prize™, walnut trees were planted at the ISU research farms near Sutherland, Kanawha, Nashua, Lewis, Chariton, and Crawfordsville and at the Horticulture Station north of Ames and on the ISU central campus.

Keywords: Horticulture

How to Cite:

Domoto, P. A., (2006) “Stark Northern Prize—A Hardy Persian Walnut”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2005(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2006
Peer Reviewed