McNay Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Whole Genome Analysis of Pinkeye Scores in Angus Cattle

Authors: Kadir Kizilkaya (Iowa State University) , Richard G. Tait (Iowa State University) , Dorian J. Garrick (Iowa State University) , Rohan L. Fernando (Iowa State University) , James M. Reecy (Iowa State University)

  • Whole Genome Analysis of Pinkeye Scores in Angus Cattle

    McNay Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

    Whole Genome Analysis of Pinkeye Scores in Angus Cattle

    Authors: , , , ,


Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK), known as pinkeye, is a common infectious disease affecting the eyes of cattle. It is characterized by excessive tearing, inflammation of the conjunctiva, and ulceration of the cornea. Although pinkeye is non-fatal, it has a marked economic impact on the cattle industry, due to the decreased performance of infected individuals. Genetic effects on the susceptibility of IBK have been studied and Hereford, Jersey, and Holstein breeds were found to be more susceptible to IBK than Bos Indicus breeds. The objectives of our study were: 1) to estimate genetic parameters of IBK scored in different categories by using genomic threshold model, and 2) to detect markers in linkage disequilibrium with quantitative tract loci (QTL) associated with IBK.

Keywords: RFR A11128, Animal Science

How to Cite:

Kizilkaya, K., Tait, R. G., Garrick, D. J., Fernando, R. L. & Reecy, J. M., (2012) “Whole Genome Analysis of Pinkeye Scores in Angus Cattle”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2011(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2012
Peer Reviewed