Western Research and Demonstration Farm

Subsoil Moisture Levels for 2003

Author: Todd Vagts (Iowa State University)

  • Subsoil Moisture Levels for 2003

    Western Research and Demonstration Farm

    Subsoil Moisture Levels for 2003



Each spring and fall a soil moisture survey is conducted to determine the amount of plant-available water (PAW) in the top five feet of the major soils in Iowa. Adequate soil moisture reserves increase the probability of average or above average crop yields the following season. Producers may use this information to alter their crop management plans according to expected soil moisture levels. Several sampling sites are located at the Western Research and Demonstration Farm

How to Cite:

Vagts, T., (2004) “Subsoil Moisture Levels for 2003”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2003(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2004
Peer Reviewed