The stimpmeter is a tool originally developed by the United States Golf Association to measure putting green speed. The stimpmeter is a 36-in., V-shaped aluminum bar with a notch milled 30-in. from a tapered end. The device is operated by placing a golf ball in the milled notch and lifting the non-tapered end until the golf ball releases.
Turfgrass practitioners use a variety of management practices on putting greens to achieve the uniform turf conditions that golfers expect. Many golf course superintendents use green speeds to tailor maintenance practices to meet golfer expectations.
Keywords: RFR A1119, Horticulture
How to Cite:
Jones, M. & Law, Q., (2012) “Measurement of Green Speed with the iStimp Application”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2011(1).
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