Interest in edamame, or vegetable soybeans, has increased in the United States in recent years. Edamame soybeans are harvested immaturely, similar to green beans. Immature soybeans have less of a “beany flavor,” which appeals to American consumers. Edamames are boiled and served either in or out of pods, and are usually eaten as a snack or in soups, salads, or as a vegetable dish. Edamames are usually harvested at 85% pod fill. Pod color and size can be employed as quality indicators, with high quality pods having 2–4 seeds/pod and a pod length of around 2.5 inches. Insect- and disease-free pods should be harvested. Chilling beans for 3–10 hours after harvest will help limit sugar and amino acid degradation. In 2001, edamame research trials were established in organic fields at the ISU Neely-Kinyon Farm and their produce processed at Iowa State University to determine yields and taste.
Keywords: Food Science and Human Nutrition, Horticulture, Agronomy
How to Cite:
Delate, K., Friedrich, H., Burcham, R., Fehr, W. R. & Wilson, L. A., (2003) “Edamame (Vegetable Soybean) Variety Trial at Neely-Kinyon Farm, 2002”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2002(1).
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