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Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Specialty Soybean Test—South

Author: Kevin O. Scholbrock (Iowa State University)

  • Specialty Soybean Test—South

    Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

    Specialty Soybean Test—South



The purpose of this test is to evaluate the experimental food-type soybean lines adapted for southern Iowa. The 2004 Specialty Test included Soybean Cystnematode (SCN)– resistant yellow hilum, large seed, large seed high protein, small seed, and lipoxygenase-free experimental lines, and for comparison of agronomic traits, commercially grown varieties released by Iowa State University. Large seed, large seed high protein, small seed, and lipoxygenase-free soybean varieties grown in Iowa are used to fill a niche in the food-bean market. These soybeans are mainly exported to Japan. Large seed soybeans are used in the production of miso, a soy product used to make soup, and are consumed as a vegetable. Large seed high protein soybeans are used for tofu production. Small seed soybeans are used to create natto, a Japanese breakfast food. Lipoxygenase-free soybeans have less of the “beany” flavor associated with conventional varieties. This flavor trait is desirable in producing soy-based foods like soy milk.

Keywords: Agronomy

How to Cite:

Scholbrock, K. O., (2005) “Specialty Soybean Test—South”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2004(1).

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