Northwest and Allee Research and Demonstration Farms

Denitrification Bioreactor in Northwest Iowa

Authors: Matthew J. Helmers (Iowa State University) , Carl Pederson (Iowa State University)

  • Denitrification Bioreactor in Northwest Iowa

    Northwest and Allee Research and Demonstration Farms

    Denitrification Bioreactor in Northwest Iowa

    Authors: ,


The use of denitrification bioreactors for removal of nitrate in tile drainage is a water quality technology that has rapidly gained interest in Iowa. A bioreactor is composed of an excavated trench filled with woodchips that are colonized by denitrifying bacteria. As drainage waters containing nitrate flow by these “good” bacteria, they convert the nitrate in the water to nitrogen gas. A critical component in evaluating the performance of these treatment systems is the documentation of nitrate-N reduction over a range in weather and flow conditions.

How to Cite:

Helmers, M. J. & Pederson, C., (2023) “Denitrification Bioreactor in Northwest Iowa”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2022(7), 13-14.

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Published on
01 Jan 2023