Valuing Double Vaccination in Feeder Cattle
Pre-conditioning is a calf management program that grew out of a concept that originated in Iowa in 1965. The program is designed to reduce risk, health problems and improve profitability for both cow-calf producers and cattle feeders. Dr. John Herrick, Extension Veterinarian at the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine, and Dr. Harold Amstutz of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners were instrumental in developing the preconditioning program and coordinating the delivery of the program with Cliff Iverson, Area Extension Livestock Specialist, and co-workers in southeast Iowa. Today, Iowa leads the nation in the size and scope of this program.
Keywords: Economics
How to Cite:
Ibarburu, M. A., Doran, B. E. & Lawrence, J. D., (2005) “Valuing Double Vaccination in Feeder Cattle”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2(1). doi:
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