North Medford High School NASA High Altitude Balloon Project
We are one of 57 teams across the nation that participated in the NASA High Altitude Balloon Project. The overall goal of the project was to capture and live stream the Great American Eclipse from 80,000-100,000 feet. As one of the few high school teams it has given us an unique perspective. Not only did we launch the common NASA payload, our team designed, engineered, and constructed our own payload named "Tornado." Our team's additional goals included photographing the umbra, and learning how UVA, UVB, gamma radiation, and other atmospheric conditions are affected during a solar eclipse. We met all of our team goals, as well as the NASA goals. In addition, we also participated in a project conducted by Cornell University; this project involved attaching bacteria samples to our payload in order to test their survival in the upper atmosphere.
How to Cite:
Kirschel, R., Singh, A. & Tang, S., (2017) “North Medford High School NASA High Altitude Balloon Project”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2017(1). doi:
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