Poster Presentation

Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles over Northeast Arkansas

  • Bryant N. Fong (Arkansas State University)
  • J. Tillman Kennon (Arkansas State University)
  • Ed Roberts (Pottsville High School)


Arkansas BalloonSAT is an educational outreach and research program at Arkansas State University. Balloon-borne Anasonde instruments measured temperature and water vapor as relative humidity, converted to absolute humidity with temperature, for the past three years. Measurements using BalloonSAT match other balloon-borne studies and provide a supplement and cost-effective alternative to satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles measurements. Statospheric water vapor concentrations were found to vary with seasons with water vapor lowest in the winter and greatest in the summer. Temperature measurements followed standard atmospheric profile measurements with a negative lapse rate in troposphere and positive lapse rate in stratosphere with a temperature inversion at the tropopause.

How to Cite:

Fong, B. N., Kennon, J. & Roberts, E., (2015) “Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles over Northeast Arkansas”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2015(1). doi:



Published on
20 Jun 2015
Peer Reviewed