Send an Amateur Radio High Altitude Balloon around the World
How to inspire and engage STEM students with a totally solar-powered lightweight Pico balloon tracker that weighs less than a half ounce.
These Superpressure balloon flights require less then 4 cubic feet of lifting gas and can stay aloft for weeks, months and sometimes a year or more.
Lightweight solar-powered payload design considerations will be described and how the position and telemetry data is captured in near realtime
and displayed for World-wide coverage. Students can watch the progress of the balloons on their smartphones and tablets as they fly their very own
mission around the World in some cases in less than 11 days.
Keywords: Amateur Radio, around the world, High Altitude Balloon
How to Cite:
Brown, B., (2022) “Send an Amateur Radio High Altitude Balloon around the World”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2020(1). doi:
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