Readings on Agricultural Marketing

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Frederick V. Waugh, L. A. Bevan, John D. Black, M. E. Brunk, Sidney Hoos, Joseph G. Knapp, William H. Nicholls, Gustav F. Papanek, Harold B. Rowe, Geoffrey S. Shepherd, Herman M. Southworth & Frank J. Welch
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

The American Farm Economic Association has carefully assembled this book of readings on agricultural marketing, with the hope that the present book will be useful to graduate students, researchers, administrators, and economists in the dis- tributive trades. Such persons are finding it increasingly difficult to keep in touch with the numerous books, reports, and scientific papers dealing with agricultural marketing. The readings in this book were selected to cover a wide range of subject matter, to give different points of view on some controversial matters, and to illustrate new and promising techniques of economic research. In like fashion, the Association earlier had sponsored (1949) Readings on Agricultural Policy, edited by Professor 0. B. Jesness.

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