A Guide to TISP: Hospital Information System for Rehabilitation

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Kyrylo Malakhov, Vitalii Velychko, Oleksandr Palagin & Vitalii Prykhodniuk
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Engineering and Technology

The subsystem of support of rehabilitation measures at the level of “therapist – patient” is designed to monitor and assess the condition of patients in the framework of providing them with rehabilitation care. The subsystem is implemented as an ontological workstation, created on the basis of standard components of "Polyhedron" frame-work. The core of the subsystem is the set of ontological configurations. The system includes an ontology of the rehabilitation process, which describes the main steps of this process and the actions to be taken by an expert in the field of rehabilitation when performing these actions.

For professionals in the field of applied intelligent technologies in medicine, specialists in the field of digital health care and rehabilitation in a pandemic, including hybrid e-rehabilitation (also known as telerehabilitation), and psychological rehabilitation.

The text of this book is in Ukrainian.

  • Details
    Published Published By Pages ISBN DOI
    Nov. 1, 2022 Iowa State University Digital Press 62 978-1-958291-02-3 10.31274/isudp.2022.126
    License Information
    © 2022 Malakhov K.S., Velychko V.Yu., Palagin O.V., Prykhodniuk V.V. All Rights Reserved.
    Kyrylo Malakhov et al. 2022. A Guide to TISP: Hospital Information System for Rehabilitation

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