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Carla Shalaby

Author, Editor, Production Manager

Editorial groups:
Publishing Collective

School of Education, University of Michigan

United States


Carla Shalaby's professional and personal commitment is to education as the practice of freedom, and her research centers on cultivating and documenting daily classroom work that protects the dignity of every child and honors young people’s rights to expression, to self-determination, and to full human being. Specifically, she is interested in practices of critical pedagogy and critical literacy at the elementary level; classroom community and "management" as the practice of democracy; and the relationships between the daily work of teachers and the ongoing struggle for justice. Carla previously served as director of the Elementary Master of Arts in Teaching program at Brown University, and as the director of elementary education at Wellesley College. She started her career as a teacher of grades four and five in her New Jersey hometown. Carla holds a B.A in English from Rutgers College, an M.Ed in Elementary Education from the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, and an M.A. and doctoral degree in Culture, Communities, and Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is the author of Troublemakers: Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School (New Press, 2017).