
The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Warmth Arousal and Effectiveness of Green Apparel Advertising

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This study examines the relationship between warmth and two attributes of advertising effectiveness (brand attitudes and ad trust). Further, it explains the moderating role of self-efficacy that accelerates the relationship between warmth and advertising effectiveness and proposes a research model of green apparel advertising. A multi-group analysis is conducted with Mplus 7.31. The results indicate that warmth positively influences brand attitude and ad trust that lead to engagement in positive WOM, which increases the purchase intention of green apparel. The relationship between warmth and brand attitude is stronger when their self-efficacy is higher. However, the relationship between warmth and ad trust is weaker when they possess high self-efficacy. This study presents strong evidence that self-efficacy has a substantial impact on the relationship between emotions and brand attitude and trust in green apparel ads.

Keywords: warmth, self-efficacy, green apparel, green advertising, brand attitude

How to Cite: Song, S. & Kim, Y. (2020) “The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Warmth Arousal and Effectiveness of Green Apparel Advertising”, Sustainability in Fashion. 1(1). doi:
