Author: Leslie Hubricht (Remington Rand)
On September 2, 1962 the author collected a large series of drift shells from the Red River, at Fulton, Hempstead County, Arkansas. Ordinarily drift shells from such a large river would be of little value because of the large area from which they might have come, However, it is doubtful if drift shells could get past Lake Texoma and the Denison Dam, which greatly limits their possible source to southeastern Oklahoma, extreme northeastern Texas, and a small area in southwestern Arkansas. The presence of a number of species which had not been previously reported from this area would indicate that further collecting was desirable. Some of the shells appear to have been washed from Pleistocene deposits.
How to Cite: Hubricht, L. (1962) “Drift land shells from the Red River, Arkansas”, Sterkiana. 8(1).