Authors: Felix Kim (National Institute of Standards and Technology) , Adam Pintar (National Institute of Standards and Technology) , Jason Fox (National Institute of Standards and Technology) , Jared Tarr (National Institute of Standards and Technology) , Alkan Donmez (National Institute of Standards and Technology) , Anne- Obaton (Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais)
A methodology to determine probability of detection (POD) of X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) was developed using Additive Manufacturing defects. A signal response POD analysis (??? vs ??) was used, where both signal response (???) and true defect size (??) were the volumes of the defects. The true defect size was measured with an optical measurement system, and the measurement uncertainty of the true defect size (??) was additionally incorporated into the POD analysis. An advanced XCT image analysis method was applied to determine volume of the defect to be used as signal response (???). A statistical bootstrap algorithm was used to quantify uncertainty.
How to Cite: Kim, F. , Pintar, A. , Fox, J. , Tarr, J. , Donmez, A. & Obaton, A. (2019) “Probability of detection of X-ray computed tomography of additive manufacturing defects”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation.(0).