
Location specific temperature compensation of guided wave signals

Authors: Stefano Mariani (Imperial College London) , Peter Cawley (Imperial College London)

  • Location specific temperature compensation of guided wave signals


    Location specific temperature compensation of guided wave signals

    Authors: ,


The baseline subtraction method is widely used to detect defect signatures in guided wave structural health monitoring. In essence, an earlier measurement is subtracted from the ‘current’ signal, and high residuals might indicate damage occurrence. However, varying environmental and operational conditions, such as temperature, also produce signal changes and hence, potentially, high residuals. A number of temperature compensation methods have been developed, which typically targets the varying wave speed due to varying temperature. Nevertheless, other, subtler effects caused by temperature variations are often overlooked, such as changes in attenuation, in the transducer frequency response and in the relative amplitudes of different modes excited by the transducer. A novel temperature compensation procedure is developed, which corrects any spatially dependent signal change that is a systematic function of temperature, hence producing residuals less affected by temperature variations. This new method was applied to a set of T(0,1) guided wave signals collected by a pipe monitoring system, yielding residuals reduced by at least 50% compared to those obtained using the standard approach at positions away from structural features, and by more than 90% at features such as the pipe end. The method therefore promises a substantial improvement in the detectability of small defects, particularly at existing pipe features.

How to Cite:

Mariani, S. . & Cawley, P. ., (2019) “Location specific temperature compensation of guided wave signals”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .

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Published on
03 Dec 2019
Peer Reviewed