Authors: Elizabeth D. Gregory (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) , William C. Schneck (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) , Cara A. C. Leckey (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) , Paul Swindell (Federal Aviation Administration)
A baseline crack case was observed in a laboratory setting and analyzed using Acellent Technologies, Inc.’s Structural Health Monitoring software. That baseline crack as well as other crack configurations were simulated using inhouse, elastodynamic simulation code at NASA Langley Research Center. The results of the simulation code were analyzed using Acellent’s software. This work demonstrated the ability of simulation to augment laboratory tests by providing a population of flaw configurations that would be prohibitively costly and time consuming to test in the laboratory.
How to Cite: Gregory, E. D. , Schneck, W. C. , Leckey, C. A. & Swindell, P. . (2019) “A case study for simulation assisted guided wave structural health monitoring of aerospace structures”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation.(0).