MAC News

2022 Fall Symposium Recap


MAC held its “Driving Outreach to Victory Lane” Symposium at the Indiana State Library in downtown Indianapolis on October 13–14, 2022. The program committee, consisting of MAC members and cochairs Jackie Shalberg, archivist and historian, National Model Aviation Museum, and Bethany Fiechter, university archivist, DePauw University, hosted 26 people for the full-day event on Friday and a half day on Saturday. The Symposium was made possible due to generous sponsorships from the Indiana State Library, the Society of Indiana Archivists, the IU Libraries, the IUPUI School of Informatics and Computing Department of Library and Information Science, and the University of Kentucky Libraries.

How to Cite:

(2023) “2022 Fall Symposium Recap”, MAC Newsletter 50(4), 5-8.

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Published on
01 Apr 2023