Review Process and Referees

The manuscript referees for the Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (JTMAE) come from the ranks of technology, technology management, and applied engineering faculty at academic institutions throughout the United States. All referees have at least five years of post-graduate experience and are assigned papers for review within their area of expertise.

Interested in becoming a referee? Please click on the "Become a Reviewer" button on the right side of the menu at the top of the main JTMAE page.

JTMAE Review Process Summary & Timelines

For Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts:
  • NOTE on Timelines: The timelines listed are benchmarks that the JTMAE attempts to honor. Circumstances sometimes delay the review process.
  •  Within 1 to 2 weeks of submission: Papers submitted by authors for peer-review are first vetted by the JTMAE Editorial Panel to determine if they meet topical, content and format thresholds for the review process.
  • Within 1 week of Editorial Panel decision to review: Papers that are deemed to meet the thresholds are then entered into the review process and sent to three JTMAE reviewers for double-anonymous peer-review
  • Manuscript reviews are due back from referees within 30 days of receipt.
  • Once assessments are received from all reviewers, the JTMAE Administrator prepares and sends all review materials to the Editorial Panel.
  • Within 1 to 2 weeks of receiving the reviewed manuscript: Based upon the reviews, the JTMAE Editorial Panel determines if a paper should be rejected, revised or accepted.
  • Within 1 to 2 weeks of the Editorial Panel receiving the reviewed manuscript: If the decision is that a paper should be revised and returned for a second review, the paper is sent back to authors, who are given 60 days to complete revisions and return the revised paper.
  • Within 1 week of receiving the revised manuscript, the JTMAE Administrator sends the revised paper and any accompanying materials are submitted to the Editorial Panel.
  • Within 1-2 weeks of receiving the revised manuscript from the JTMAE Administrator: The review materials and the revised paper are considered by the Editorial Panel; the Panel may decide to accept, accept on condition of specific revisions being made, send for second review, or reject the paper.
  • Within 1 week of receiving the revised paper: If a paper is to be evaluated a second time by reviewers, the JTMAE Administrator sends it to the reviewers who have 30 days to return their reviews
  • Generally, most papers are recommended for at least one revision, and many are reviewed twice. Sometimes, a manuscript is deemed to require a second revision and is reviewed a third and final time upon submission of the second revised version of the manuscript.
  • Final decisions on acceptance or rejection of all papers submitted are made by the JTMAE Editorial Panel.
For Non Peer Reviewed Manuscripts:
  • Within 1 week of receipt: Papers submitted for consideration for "non-refereed" publication are submitted to the Editorial Panel
  • Within 1 to 2 weeks of receipt: The Editorial Panel may make a decision on the paper or assign it to one JTMAE reviewer for a recommendation on publication
  • If a paper is assigned to a referee, the referee has 30 days to return their review.
  • A decision on the acceptance of the manuscript is based on the interest of the topic by ATMAE members, how well it is explored and discussion, and the clarity in presentation of the topic.