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Research Article

The Factors Significant to the Introduction of Institutional Open Access Policies: Two Case Studies of R-1 Universities

  • Leo S. Lo orcid logo (Pennsylvania State University)


INTRODUCTION US universities are increasingly unable to afford research journal subscriptions due to the rising prices charged by for-profit academic publishers. Open access (OA) appears to be the most backed option to disrupt the current publishing model. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors significant to the introduction of institutional OA policies at selected United States R-1 universities. METHODS An in-depth qualitative study, including interviews with stakeholders, was conducted on two R-1universities with OA policies that have been implemented for at least five years. results The results of this study reveal that while the perceived sustainability of the scholarly communication business model was an initial driver, open dissemination of knowledge was the primary factor for the development of institutional policies. discussion Open dissemination of knowledge aligns with the mission of both institutions. Interviewees believe that a wider and more open dissemination of the institution’s research cost could positively affect their faculty’s research impact, which could then affect the institution’s reputation, rankings, classifications and funding. CONCLUSION While the initial driver for exploring OA scholarly communication for both institutions was the perceived unsustainability of the scholarly communication model, the most important factor that led to the creation of their policies was the desire to disseminate the faculty’s scholarship.

Keywords: open access, open access policy, scholarly communication, policy development, open access mandate

How to Cite:

Lo, L. S., (2021) “The Factors Significant to the Introduction of Institutional Open Access Policies: Two Case Studies of R-1 Universities”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 9(1), eP2400. doi:

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